THE DJMP SHOW THE DJMP SHOW: 7/8/12 - 7/15/12

Saturday, July 14, 2012

  Attention people with relationship problems... I promise you... it will not kill you... to be single... for a few days.... try it.... Only in MS do people feel the need to constantly label someone, its like male dogs pissing on trees in a front yard... Did you not take a piss just because the dog already marked the tree? I didn't think so .. now you see my point.. People are going to do, what they are going to do... no matter what... for all eternity or as long as human beings exist in this universe.. therefore.. be happy right now and don't waste time worrying about the what if... or the did they??? if someone is cheating on you... I suggest... you have a ..... "FUCK THIS SHIT" moment... and discontinue the relationship... also one last thing... if the above applies to you, and you do not take the advice you just received..... i can safely come to the conclusion that there is a strong possibility that you are fully or at least partially mentally retarded which is understandable and mostly socially accepted considering the area  we are talking about....  Thanks for reading.....  DJMP

Friday, July 13, 2012


#1  Walk in the door and go straight to the bar, Get 2 or 3 hundred dollars worth on singles and throw them up in the air and make a hurricane of one dollar bills over the top of all the strippers heads. You will never in your whole life see this many one dollar bills get picked up off the ground this fast again.  After you've done it before or if you have buddy's with you, its fun to take side bets on which stripper will collect the majority of the one dollar bills....  Check the Blog often for more tips on fun things to do at the Strip Club, Tomorrow we have a really fun one for ya and these are things most people wouldn't even think about doing that are really fun and legal.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

That moment when you feel pretty un-appreciated... but then you remember that nobody really appreciates anybody anyway, although occasionally someone will verbally say they do, give a shout out, or a thumbs up, Sorry they probably just did that as a technicality or for some monetarily beneficial reason. Don't forget about the people in your life that in whatever way just by being alive contribute to your life in a positive way. Karma has a funny way of creeping up on un-appreciative people and stealing their wallet. - DJMP

Wednesday, July 11, 2012